It is quite peaceful to be outdoors as the snow falls. Everywhere you look there is a blanket of white. Birds flock to the feeders, hoping for an easy meal of seeds and suet. The sheep are eagerly munching on their hay bales and the turkeys pace atop their shelter roof, seemingly not wanting to get their feet wet. The dogs seem to love the white stuff and long to be outdoors, free to romp and play. Even my old basset hound/house dog, Josey, likes a long walk on days like this.
The newest addition to household is Wally, a collie pup who has been with us about a week now. After 10 years, its seems I have caved into what I call 'puppy fever' much to my family's dismay. I must admit that in those first few days, I questioned my decision frequently (like with each leash-lead potty trip, every 20 minutes). The first night I cried quiet tears of 'what was I thinking' questions and seriously debated calling the breeder to return him. Sleep interruption of the smallest sort frays my nerves rather quickly so I know better than to make 'rash' decisions. Wally is a smart fellow, very loving and affectionate. He is also very much a puppy, requiring constant supervision - something I have grown accustomed to NOT having to do with my ten year old basset hound. I must say he has adapted to our home quickly and learned the ropes of potty training within about 48 hours. He will go to the door and paw at it when he needs outside. You just have to make sure you are in the same room when he does that! Perhaps my family will extend to me the grace and forgiveness I seem to need so often these days. I'm sure there is a lesson to be learned in all of this too and I pray for the understanding to come.
At least I need not worry about the Grace that comes from my Heavenly Father. Like the snow, it falls effortlessly and rhythmically towards the earth, covering a multitude of surfaces (i.e. self and all that comes with it). You don't have to do anything to be touched my His grace, love and mercy - no trace of human effort amounts to anything eternal. Simply being before Him and allowing the blood of Christ to wash over you is there just for the asking. I need Him so desperately this day! Cover me Lord, in Your mercy. Wash over me and through me. Make me clean and as white as this new fallen snow. Forgive me Lord of all that isn't of You, show me the err of my ways and allow me to turn from sin, always looking to Jesus for strength. I cannot do this on my own and I am so thankful I do not have to trust in my own inability.
The snow continues to fall from the sky, effortlessly and rhythmically, like grace from the heaven's above. May every snowfall remind you of His mercy, His love and His unending gift of grace, through His Son, Jesus Christ!
Hi Cheryl,
For many years, I didn't understand how to relate to being sinful. My eyes were certainly opened ! Now each day, I am painfully aware of how anything that stands between me and my Lord, must move..or I must move. Everyday, I thank Him for His grace.
Loving your little puppy. It won't be long and he'll be tagging along and helping you do your chores...or maybe not. Hope he's better at his chores than Hank is.
Thanks. Pam
My sister sent me to your blog to read this certain post. We got Toby in July after my dh begging for some years. A sweet lil yorkiepoo. I cried all the way home from picking him up asking my dh, what have we done. I cried for about 3 weeks off and on. He is a good lil guy. Not a kissy boy, but suppppppppppppppppppppppper playful. His living space, not ours anymore, is littered with toys and bonies. I still at times look at him in amazement wondering how he got into my home. But into my home and heart he is.
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