Thursday, December 27, 2007


I was reading my Bible this morning and came across a quote listed in the introduction before the book of Nahum. Crediting The Message Remix (Eugene H. Peterson, NavPress 2003, 2006) here...the intro centered on the huge, larger than life players in modern day history and how they make the world seemingly a center stage for themselves. They are said to often make a lot of "noise" and routinely call attention to themselves, managing to capture the attention of many people ~ this often includes many Christian's. This "Ninevah-distraction" has people focused on that person, rather than THE PERSON of God and His continual way of working. The Message (in the introduction to Nahum)reads this way, "God's characteristic way of working is in quietness and in prayer." It went on to say, "If we are conditioned to respond to noise and size, we will miss God's word and action."

Nahum's writing was certainly interesting in relative term's to today's Christian. The book written towards the people of Israel provides a graphic scene of judgement. It seems Christian's these days are so convinced that God will not judge His children, they often continue a life of sin by playing what I call the "grace card". But my Bible also says EVERY MAN (and woman) will be judged. I think we fail Christ by some how playing off "sin" too casually these days. The "church", as a whole, has failed to remain that pure and spotless Bride that Christ so longs to wed. We have become so much like "the world" that a non-Christian cannot even tell the difference and it's no wonder so many people of today say the church is full of hypocrites.

While as Christian's, and THRU JESUS CHRIST we can do all things, we cannot continue to resurrect our old, fleshly lifestyle and call it "victory". My Bible says we are to crucify the flesh daily, dying to ourselves and our own desires every day. Can you imagine this? I mean, really doing this? Laying down ALL your hopes, your dreams, your desires for your life and simply saying, "Yes, Lord" to everything God would ask you to do? Jesus Christ did. He set the example for us to follow.

When the sheep are totally dependant on their Shepherd, they come willingly and without a second thought. After all the Shepherd knows what's best for the flock, right? In relating this to my own sheep, many of my Jacobs will follow me just about anywhere. Now, there are a certain few who hold back, only coming if I am offering grain from the white bucket. How similar does this seem to the Body of Christ as a whole? Some will follow without question, but the majority only come when they see the "treats" He holds out. God has such an amazing banquet of Himself set before His people and He desires that they take ALL of Him. There comes a day when we must stop treating God and our relationship with Christ like a buffet bar -- taking what we want, when we want it and then running off on our own way. Christ gave all of Himself, in death and in resurrection, so that we could live an eternity with Him. He never asks more of us than He first gave us, so willingly.

I do not see any middle ground with Christ and that is what makes a lot of people nervous. There is no compromise, you either know Him or you don't. You are either on your way to Heaven or on the road to Hell, there is no purgatory. It's all or nothing. Even the words of Christ read "he who is not for Me is against Me..." You either take all of Him, or nothing of Him.

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